A Buyer Invitation to ‘The Seoul International Seafood Show 2019’
Dear Sir / Madam,
We are the secretariat of ‘The Seoul International Seafood Show 2019’.
We have known your esteemed company name during web search.
With introduction the 3S (The Seoul International Seafood Show 2019) we are inviting you to the One-on-One Business Meeting.
The 3S is the most representative and influential annual seafood exhibition in Korea. And many of international and local exhibitors in various food industries are attending this show. As seen from the web site http://www.seoulseafood.com/eng/main.asp you may find different industry categories of seafood, processed seafood, seasonings, food additives, food processing machinery and equipment.
The 3S 2019 will be held at Coex in Seoul, Korea from April 22 (MON) to April 24 (WED), 2019.
The 3S has been held for 14 years and will be celebrating the 15th anniversary in 2019.
During the show period we offer a professional business program for special participants, called the One-on-One Business Meeting.
We would like to invite your company’s representative buyer to attend this show, offering a support package for the buyers’ convenience and their successful meetings; air ticket subsidy, complimentary hotel room, interpretation services, etc. Please find a couple conditions to be qualified for this program.
1. The One-On-One Business Meeting
The buyer who is selected must attend the One-on-One business meeting for at least one day, either on April 23 or April 24, 2019.
For your information, you can freely utilize rest of the days to visit other booths and have meetings with them.
2. Arrival and Departure
In order to get this benefit the buyer must arrive and depart between April 18 to April 28, 2019.
Support Package
1. Round-trip air ticket subsidy
2. Hotel accommodation
3. Interpretation services during the meeting
4. Complimentary lunch on the meeting day
5. Assistance to issue VISA, if required
You can apply through below link.
Submission of Application is due by Friday, December 14 in 2018.
The application will be restricted after the submission date.
The One-on-One meeting will be held from Monday, April 22 to Tuesday, April 23 in 2019. Successful candidates will be notified by email in early April.
If you need any further information or assistance from us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to hearing your feedback and seeing you at the Seoul International Seafood Show 2019.
Sam Kim
Best regards,
The Seoul International Seafood Show Secretariat
tel. +82 2 6000 2801
cell phone. +82 10 9597 9822
fax. +82 2 6000 2805
e-mail: ykimsam@gmail.com
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