지역 | Thornhill | 월 $1500~$2000 | 여자만 | |
비흡연자 | 주차불가 | 애완동불 불가 | ||
장기(6~12개월) 계약 |
Room for Rent- Female Tenants only
$975.00 per month - Starting October 2019
Area: Bathurst Steeles (Walking distance to Shoppers Drug Mart, Metro, Starbucks, TD Bank, CIBC, BMO, Scotia Bank, FreshCo, HMart, nearby park, etc.)
Transit Info:
- a minute walk away from the bus stop/ ~14-minute bus ride away from Finch Station (#88, 60A - Bus available every 5 minutes)
- 18-minutes bus ride to York University (#60A or B)
- Recently fully renovated Penthouse condo unit with a great panoramic view facing South
- Own Washroom & 1 Bedroom (11.48ft x 8.53ft)
- The common area (Kitchen and living room shared with another person)
- Includes utilities / laundry use + highspeed Internet
If interested, please contact: hcbnt087@gmail.com
배더스트 & 스틸스 톤도 룸렌트 - 여자분
월 $975.00 - 10월 부터
깨끗한 화장실, 인터넷 & 유틸리티 포함
바로 집 앞 버스 정류장 -88번, 60A or B 번 버스 to 핀치역 & York University
걸어서 5분 거리! Shoppers Drug Mart, Metro, Starbucks, TD Bank, CIBC, BMO, Scotia Bank, FreshCo. nearby Park / HMart 걸어서 10분 거리!
연락처: hcbnt087@gmail.com
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