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[토론토 이야기] 토론토 집값이 뛴 지역들
KimChangSoo (beddoe6** | 조회 : 2802 | Jul, 21, 10:01 AM

RE/Max 에서 발표한 2020 Hot Pocket Community Report 를 보면 토론토 지역의 95%가 집값이 상승을 했고 그중 55%는 두자리수 상승을 했다고 함. (출처: BlogTo)


그중 집값이 많이 올라간 5 지역은 아래와 같음.

  1. Yonge-St. Clair, Annex, Casa Loma and Wychwood (C02) with an increase of 25.7% to reach a new average of $2,918,968.
  2. Swansea, Roncesvalles, South Parkdale and High Park (W01) and Oakridge, Birchcliffe-Cliffside (E06) tied for second place with identical increase rates of 18.4 percent and average home values of  $2,050,596 and $1,095,287 respectively.
  3. Oakwood-Vaughan, Humewood, Cedarvale, Forest Hill South (C03) home prices appreciated by 17.7 percent to reach a new average of $2,371,546.
  4. GTA real estate district W08, which includes Kingsway South, Etobicoke West Mall and Edenbridge-Humber Valley, saw a 17 percent increase in average detached home prices with an average value of $1,693,382.
  5.  Alderwood, Long Branch, New Toronto and Mimico (W06) came in fifth with the average detached home rising 16.2 percent over the first half of 2020 to reach $1,202,176.
  6. 1595279256-20200720-remaxreport.jpg-resize-_opacity_100-frame_bg_color_fff-h_2500-gravity_center-q_70-preserve_ratio_true-w_1400_.jpg

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