경고! 요주의! Warning!
다음과 같이....204-210-0722 에서 오는 문자 또는 전화는 사기! 스캠 Scam 입니다.
Prime Notice:
Due to an error in your invoice during your last purchase, we will refund you the additional fees. Reply INFO for more details.
환불해준다고 꼬드겨서 만일 응답하면 내 돈 빼가려는 악질들!
그런데요. Area code 204는 이웃 마니토바 주 지역번호랍니다.
모르는 번호에서 오는 전화는 잘 살펴보고 응답하세요!
Whenever you receive calls from area code 204, you can now tell that it is coming from the state of Manitoba.
Even if a number is duly registered, it is still best not to answer calls especially if the number is unfamiliar to you.
It might look ordinary but calls from scammers could cost you big bucks if answered.
Oct. 3, 2021
출처 : 오픈채팅방 '캐나다뉴서울' https://open.kakao.com/o/ghNWr6cc
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