제목 | 작성자 | 작성일 |
Alternative investment 대체투자 [10] | JohnKwon | 22.01.20 |
Each security in the put-call parity relationship can be expressed as: [5] | JohnKwon | 22.01.20 |
가을색은 어떠 하길레 [3] | JohnKwon | 22.01.20 |
American vs. European Options [4] | JohnKwon | 22.01.19 |
정물화 [3] | JohnKwon | 22.01.19 |
Forward Contract Value(선도 거래 가치) [5] | JohnKwon | 22.01.16 |
담보 및 신용 강화 [10] | JohnKwon | 22.01.15 |
Modified duration is the approximate change in a bond's price given a 1% change in its YTM: [5] | JohnKwon | 22.01.14 |
Forward and Spot Rates(정방향 및 현물 운임) [5] | JohnKwon | 22.01.13 |
Embedded Options (핵심설명서) [3] | JohnKwon | 22.01.12 |
Bond Market (채권 시장) [5] | JohnKwon | 22.01.11 |
현금 흐름 구조 [5] | JohnKwon | 22.01.10 |
Fixed Income [8] | JohnKwon | 22.01.10 |
고정수입 [3] | JohnKwon | 22.01.09 |
Critical relationship between Ke and Ge: [2] | JohnKwon | 22.01.09 |
단일 기간 평가 모델 [2] | JohnKwon | 22.01.08 |
버팔로 [4] | JohnKwon | 22.01.08 |
Technical Analysis [8] | JohnKwon | 22.01.04 |
Security Market Line (SML) [1] | JohnKwon | 22.01.04 |
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT금융 자산 관리운용 [5] | JohnKwon | 22.01.03 |
전체 댓글
JohnKwon ( john.kwon2**@gmail.com )
Jan, 14, 04:21 AMCrispy and Soft?! Potato Cheese Donuts instead of Flour!! Super Delicious.
JohnKwon ( john.kwon2**@gmail.com )
Jan, 17, 09:05 AM재무보고의 주된 목적은 투자와 투자에 유용한 정보를 제공하는 것이다 The primary objective of financial reporting is to provide information useful for making investment and credit decisions.
JohnKwon ( john.kwon2**@gmail.com )
Jan, 17, 09:36 AMDuring January,assets increased by $20,000 and liabilities increased by $4,000.Shareholders' equity must have increased by $16,0001월 중 자산은 2만 달러, 부채는 4천 달러 증가했다.주주 자본은 반드시 $16,000 증가했음에 틀림없다. (자산20000 = 부채4000+자본16000)