나도 아티스트

Modified duration is the approximate change in a bond's price given a 1% change in its YTM:
JohnKwon (john.kwon2**@gmail.com) | 조회 : 821 | Jan, 14, 04:11 PM

제목 작성자 작성일
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담보 및 신용 강화 [10] JohnKwon 22.01.15
Modified duration is the approximate change in a bond's price given a 1% change in its YTM: [5] JohnKwon 22.01.14
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Bond Market (채권 시장) [5] JohnKwon 22.01.11
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버팔로 [4] JohnKwon 22.01.08
Technical Analysis [8] JohnKwon 22.01.04