나도 아티스트

The income statements for Pointz Corporation under the accrual basis and the cash basis of accounting appear as follows:
JohnKwon (john.kwon2**@gmail.com) | 조회 : 1010 | Feb, 07, 03:02 PM


발생기준과 현금기준 회계에 따른 포인트즈 회사의 손익계산서는 다음과 같습니다

  A B C D
1 Pointz Corporation Income Statement Using Accrual Accounting For the Month Ended July 31,2017      
2 Revenue $1,300    
3 Expenses      
Salaries $450    
5 Hydro $50    
6 Net income $800    
7 Pointz Corporation Income Statement Using  Cash-Basis accounting For the Month Ended July 31,2017      
8 Revenue $500    
9 Expenses      
10 Salaries $450    
11 Hydro 0    
12 Net income $50    


제목 작성자 작성일
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