2016 Nissan Rogue SL SUV - Lease Takeover
Rogue SL (Top Model) Lease with full option
• Full option with panorama sunroof
• All leather and power package
• Monthly payment: $524 per month
• Used only 14 months / 22 months left
• Annual Mileage allowance: 35,000 km per year
• Initially paid $5,000 down payment
• Lease Takeover with bonus 3 months free lease
• Buy-back at the end of the lease: $18,864
• New car purchase price: $39,900 including HST
• Executove moved to the USA HQ
Anyone is interested, you can take over the lease. The vendor will pay first three months of monthly payment and transfer fee for you. Total Mileage used is 16,200 km only.
You can view the car near Yonge St and Steeles Ave West.
Please contact either proh@globaltax.ca or text to 1-647-226-1661. Serious inquiry only and will not respond to low price.
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