구인구직 알바천국

[DKCOS CANADA] Marketing Specialist 모집 (full time)
dkcos (hol**@dkcos.com) | 조회 : 1135 | Nov, 07, 03:26 PM
기타업종 평일근무 풀타임
Markham 시급 시급협의

안녕하세요, DK Cosmetics Canada에서 Marketing Specialist를 모십니다!

저희 회사는 뉴욕에 본사를 두고 캐나다, 뉴저지, 서울에서 운영하고 있는 젊은 K-Beauty 회사입니다.
캐나다에서는 Walmart, Rexall, Sobeys, Healthy Planet 등 다양한 Retail Store에 Cosmetics, Skin & Body 제품들을 선보이고 있습니다. 현재 근무하고 있는 직원들은 최소 2년동안 근무하고 계시며, 업무가 바쁠때는 있어도 사람 때문에 어려운 곳은 아니라고 자부할 수 있습니다.

현재 마케팅 팀에는 뉴욕에 차장님이 계시고, 캐나다에는 Social Marketing 담당 직원분이 함께 일하고 계시는데, 팀에서 함께 마케팅 전반 또는 경력에 따라 중간관리자를 담당해주실 분을 모집하게 되었습니다.

아래 R&R을 확인해주시고, 관심있는 분들은 hr@dkcos.com 으로 영문이력서 & 간단한 자기소개서를 보내주시면 서류 통과자에 한해, 1주일 이내에 면접 초대장을 회신드리도록 하겠습니다.

Roles & Responsibilities
Strategic Development
- Implement comprehensive marketing strategies
- Identify and eval‎uate opportunities for growth across new and existing digital channels
- Analyze market trends and competition to identify opportunities for growth.
Campaign Execution and Optimization
- Manage end-to-end campaign processes, including planning, execution, monitoring, and reporting.
- Utilize data-driven insights to make real-time adjustments and improvements to campaign performance.
- Help oversee the performance marketing budget, ensuring optimal allocation of resources.
Analysis and Reporting
- Utilize analytics tools to track, measure, and report on key performance indicators.
- Provide actionable insights and recommendations to improve campaign performance.
- Prepare regular performance reports
- Track spending and ROI, making adjustments as necessary to maximize return on investment.
Relationship Building and Collaboration
- Display teamwork and professionalism with internal & external stakeholders
- Collaborate with sales, product development, and other departments to align marketing efforts with overall business objectives.
Market Research and Analysis
- Conduct thorough market research to identify trends, customer needs, and competitive landscape
- Utilize data and analytics to make informed decisions and adjustments to marketing strategies.
Digital Marketing
- Develop and implement digital marketing strategies, including SEO, social media, and email marketing.
- Stay informed about emerging digital trends and technologies.
- Build and maintain social media presence, including posting content, responding to comments and messages, and monitoring brand sentiment 

- 5+ yearts of experience with all aspects of the job's duties
- Preferred - Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing, Communications, or a related field.
- Proficiency in social media management and analytics tools such as (or similar to) Rival IQ, Hootsuite, Canva.
- Excellent verbal, written, and presentation skills
- Strong knowledge of social media marketing, advertising, content marketing and SEO

Work Schedule
- Monday to Friday (9am to 6pm, 1 hour lunch break)

Salary & Benefits
- 경력에 따라 협의
- 점심제공
- 입사부터 유급휴가 지급
- 회사 건강보험 지원
- 생일 기프트카드
- 회사제품 50% 할인   

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