
idrive (yanglim9**@gmail.com) | 조회 : 1348 | Oct, 12, 12:50 PM

*NEW LEGISLATION* has passed today in Parliament that any body caught using a  “mobile phone” whilst driving or whilst the engine is running will lose their Driver’s  Licenses on the spot for *3 months.* No excuse will be tolerated or accepted by a Police Officer. As soon as you get into your vehicle turn on the Bluetooth of the car or phone. If you don’t have Bluetooth technology you have to safely pull over switch off your car engine then you may answer your mobile phone. Keep in mind that even though you have pulled over & your engine is running you will still cop the full wrath of by the law. So turn off your car engine  if you don’t have Bluetooth, prior to answering your mobile phone. http://toronto.citynews.ca/2018/01/15/ontario-distracted-driving-laws/

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