Credits Offered - ENG4U, ENG3U, EWC4U, ETS4U, BBM4U
Credits are offered by Agincourt International Academy
15 hours of online and in person tutoring
Cost $1100 (including tax)
All courses focus development of academic writing and reading skills in preparation for university for students for whom English is their second language or students that have experienced difficulty with their English courses in the past.
Courses can start and complete at any time within school calendar.
A final exam must be taken at the location of the school at the end of the course.
$300 - registration in course
$800 - tutoring
($700 - if paying in cash)
ENG3U/4U + IELTS preparation - $1800
30 hours online and in person tutoring
SAT/ACT Language Prep - $1600 - 30 hours online and in person tutoring
Elouis Kim 416-898-0903
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